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Monday Feb.26 th , 2024. It was a day which changed the direction of Kera!
My experience with Bullying “how to adapt. “
I’m asked by the team at Inspirations to speak about my story and am introduced to a very special group of students aged six through 21 at the Mackay Centre and Philip E. Layton (PEL) Schools of the English Montreal School Board. PEL services students who are blind or visually impaired along with any associated disabilities, and the Mackay Centre School services students who are deaf, physically disabled and/or have a communication disorder. The schools work in conjunction with the MAB-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre, which offers rehabilitation services to optimize the social participation and autonomy of the students while they study. They also provide mobility instruction, computer services, adaptive technology, and physical
I was invited in honour of Pink Shirt Day, a national day that reinforces the message that we all have the power to create change by taking a stand against bullying and advocating for kindness and inclusivity.

Let’s be real here, we are born in a society of people who, if they are not sick or haven’t suffered any indifferences, will never know, or understand one tenth of the pain, humility and perseverance kids with disabilities go through daily. My story, simply said, is that at birth mishap occurred during delivery which left me with serious eye damage and I, like these kids have concluded that “this is what it is”. As an innocent child you learn to cope with operations, stress, and headaches without complaining since it’s part of how you function daily. The pain is from the ones looking at us with unknowledgeable and incomprehensible ignorance. Clearly, they don’t understand. Instead of respectfully asking and taking the time to listen and acknowledge your worth, they resort to mocking, radicalizing, violent acts like hitting, laughing at you, and avoiding you.

Here is what I have learned to live by:
Believing in oneself because I’m important.
I am the only one who can make a difference.

Find your gift whether it’s in arts, sports, or culture and don’t be scared to express yourself. My strength came from my grand parents who encouraged me to ski and am forever grateful to them. It freed me of the discomforts of being put aside. On this day, I looked at all these kids and I was grateful. I told them how proud I am of them and that I love them for who they are.
Coming back to the great question by Mark Bergman. “How do you adapt?”
It’s hard, you really don’t adapt, you go forward and deal with your situation without complaints.
Find a reason to better your life. Find solutions. Enjoy life!